Travel Ideas

05/09/2023 02:13

Being a single parent is no easy task and being able to take some time off and spending some quality time with the children might seem like a distant dream. Single parents not only have to raise a child alone but have to be able to provide for that child, leaving them with very little free time.

Taking a break and going away allows you to not only enjoy time with your child but will also give you a chance to relax and forget about your day-to-day responsibilities - even if it is just for a week.

With the increase of single - parent families, there are many travel companies who have realized that they are missing out on a large market-share by effectively making it too expensive to travel. This is hugely beneficial to the single parent, allowing them to not only go on holiday at a cheaper price, but resorts have also started planning special events targeted specifically at single parents.

Room Rates

Many hotels are now charging by the room instead of per person. Various resorts also charge by the room, with as many as four people being allowed to share a room - this is great for parents with more than one child.

Beach Resorts

Many of the popular beach resorts such as those in the Caribbean now offer special "Single Parent Months" each year. Some of the resorts are also offering promotions to entice the solo parents to holiday there, such as assigning a "vacation nanny" to each parent, allowing them to enjoy some free time alone.


Some companies arrange single parent tours throughout the year. With a group of families, the children can make new friends and the single parents can socialize with other adults in similar circumstances. These tours are specifically geared towards giving the parents some time off to relax while the kids enjoy socializing with their new found friends.


There are many solo parent family camps across UK, the USA, Europe Asia and even the Philippines, some of which give a variety of recreational activities and weekend workshops for the entire family. The camps are run on various weekends or sometimes for an entire week throughout the year. Some of these camps are run by faith-based organizations, but most of the camps are open to all single parents irrespective of their religion.

To find out more about these wonderful travel resources inquire at your local church or community center. You can also speak to travel agents in your area, or let your fingers do the walking and do some research on the internet. However you do it, remember that you and your children deserve to go on holiday, and you can actually afford to! So what are you waiting for- go and book your holiday now!

